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In this month’s lesson, the Coach reviews fair housing rules governing senior housing communities. Fair housing law generally prohibits discrimination based on familial status, but there’s a limited exception that applies to senior housing communities that qualify as “housing for older persons.” To qualify, senior housing communities must meet strict technical requirements. Unless they satisfy those requirements, communities may not enforce “adult only” policies or impose age restrictions to keep children from living there.
In this Special Issue, the Coach wraps up 2018 with a review of this year’s lessons and related webinars. Keep it handy—it’s a quick refresher on top fair housing concerns we covered this year. It’s also a helpful index to the full lessons and the webinars, all of which are available to our subscribers for review or download at FairHousingCoach.com. And you’ll find quiz questions—with a link to the answers—so you can see how much you’ve learned.
In this month’s lesson, the Coach reviews recent court rulings on fair housing law. In each case, we’ll review the events leading up to the dispute and how it landed in court. And we’ll explain the legal issues involved and how the court decided who should win, so that you’ll know what to do—or what not to do—to avoid similar fair housing problems at your community.
In this month’s lesson, Fair Housing Coach will take a careful look at occupancy standards, a topic that remains a source of concern for housing communities, and in recent years, has triggered a series of fair housing complaints. Occupancy standards remain a hot topic because, if not properly considered, they can restrict the housing choices of families with children and lead to a host of problems.
In this month’s lesson, Fair Housing Coach explains how to comply with fair housing laws banning discrimination based on source of income. The federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) doesn’t prohibit discrimination based on source of income, but an increasing number of states and municipalities have added these provisions to their fair housing or civil rights laws in recent years.
In this month’s lesson, the Coach reviews how fair housing law may affect the way you attract and rent to people of different generations. Although federal fair housing law does not ban age discrimination, we’ll look at the ways that fair housing law protects people of particular generations—and how those protections cut across several generations.
This month, Fair Housing Coach reviews recent developments—court rulings, settlements, and enforcement agency actions—in fair housing law. Staying on top of developments may help you to avoid common problems that so often lead to fair housing trouble and resolve minor grievances before they escalate into formal fair housing complaints.
This month, the Coach takes a look at emerging trends that have the potential to significantly change the legal landscape in fair housing law. With the help of our fair housing experts, Doug Chasick and Kathelene Williams, we’ll highlight these trends, explaining what’s happening and how it might affect your community.
Are you confident when it comes to fair housing? Or are you worried about falling short and inadvertently triggering a discrimination claim? It’s bad enough when seemingly small missteps cause problems, but it’s even worse when those problems escalate into costly lawsuits.
In this lesson, we’ll show how fair housing rules play out in the real world by taking a close look at real disputes resolved through the court system in the last year. The people and particular circumstances of the cases may be unique, but they shed light on what you should—or shouldn’t—do to avoid fair housing trouble.